Saturday 15 October 2011


In an attempt to keep fit I walked to the Seven Wells (Telaga Tujuh) nearby. This is roughly a three kilometre walk from the dingy dock in the Talaga Harbour Marina to the base of the waterfall. Then there is some 630 concrete steps to ascend through the rain forest before emerging onto a rocky area with the Seven holes on the rock over which the river water rushes. The views out to sea are stunning. The water is crystal clear, very cool and refreshing. After walking back down the 630 steps I bought a cold coconut to drank the milk.

On one occasion I was distracted by a child pointing at one of the dreaded Macaque Monkeys. These are monkeys with serious attitude and have become complacent around humans. This monkey sidled over to my side of the path and suddenly made a dash for my coconut. I managed to catch the coconut just in time as the damn monkey made off with the lid on my coconut. The proprietor of the kiosk, where I bought the coconut, walk over with a catapult, ging or slingshot and gave it to me.  The Crab-eating Macaque has become a real nuisance on the island. The startled looking Dusky leaf Langur are very cute and are not a problem unless you’re a leaf.

Seven Wells - 630 Steps